What does Feng Shui actually mean?
The Chinese energy theory of Feng Shui has been taught and applied for an incredible 3500 years. The focus is on the life energy "Chi". This is primarily directed by two energies - namely by the wind energy "Feng" and the water energy "Shui". In the optimal interaction of Feng and Shui the Chi is strengthened, which has a positive effect on our well-being.
Incidentally, the rules of Feng Shui are a holistic concept for living and are applied to very different areas of life. The aim is to allow the Chi to flow freely in all rooms so that balance, harmony and tranquillity are achieved. For this purpose, there are Feng Shui rules for the arrangement of furniture, plants and accessories. In addition, the energy theory deals with the light and colour design in the room.
1 | The right cardinal direction for your Feng Shui office
In Feng Shui, every room has a meaning - just as in the body every part of the body has a correspondence in the mind. The study is a productive, active area that should be separated from the rest of the home and especially from other quiet areas.
If you are flexible with the room layout, you can set up your office where the energy fields best suit your Feng Shui needs.
The different cardinal directions have a positive effect on different areas:
- A study facing east or southeast has a strengthening effect on communication and creativity and is ideally suited for professions in these areas.
- A south-facing workplace has a favorable effect on self-marketing and marketing ideas.
- If you work a lot with numbers, it is advisable to orient the study to the west, which also has a positive influence on the development of ideas and projects.
- If you work in a management position, a northwest-facing study can strengthen assertiveness and organizational talent.
2 | Desk position according to Feng Shui office rules
The desk is the center of your study and can be placed in the middle of the room. This way the energy is centered and located where you need it most. If, on the other hand, the desk is too close to the wall, you will feel cramped, your mind will not be able to develop freely, and creativity and productivity will be hindered.
You should also make sure that the view to the front is free and that you have the door in view. After all, spaces and movements that we cannot see but that we perceive nonetheless are extremely irritating and have a disruptive effect on concentration and focus.
In addition, a stable wall in the back is essential in your Feng Shui office. In this way, a secure feeling is created, we feel safe and protected. Cabinets and shelves with closed fronts also have a similar effect as a solid wall and provide a good back protection.

If it's inevitable that you'll have the door in your back, a mirrored object on your desk will help. With a paperweight with a shiny surface, you'll still have the door in view, which will subconsciously make you feel more secure. Just make sure you're not blinded yourself.
When positioning the desk, you should also make sure that no edges, corners or points of furniture or walls are directed at your workplace. You should also position decorations so that sharp edges point away from you. But why is that? Like a lack of back protection, we intuitively build up a protective shield when we feel attacked (by edges and corners in the workroom analogous to the spear points in the Stone Age that posed danger to our ancestors). This robs us of a lot of energy - often manifested in feeling tired and drained and often "fleeing" from the workplace - for example, to go to the toilet or have a drink.
If you absolutely can't avoid having a window at your back, you can use a trick: place large plants in front of the window or on the windowsill - preferably outside. This will prevent the chi from leaving the room. In addition, you can use healing stones on the window sill as decoration, which also help to keep the chi in the room. Thick, heavy curtains are also a good option if there is a window behind your desk. The downside here, though, is that you'll be shutting out lots of daylight during the day, which is super important for your well-being in the study.
3 | Your Feng Shui Study desk
Your desk itself should ideally be made of solid wood. Solid wood desks exude a wonderfully powerful, vibrant natural energy and are also exceedingly sturdy. At the same time, a wooden desk does not have to be heavy and bulky: For creative activities, you can choose a light desk made of light wood, while solid desks are the optimal choice for strengthening determination and discipline.
By the way, kidney-shaped wooden desks are rare, but the optimum from a Feng Shui point of view, in terms of material and shape. Thanks to the slightly curved shape, the sturdy tables provide support and give a secure feeling.
A desk made of metal also promotes concentration and supports structured work. On the other hand, you should keep your distance from glass desks. A glass tabletop appears unstable and conveys little security. However, if your study is already equipped with a glass desk, you can help yourself with a trick: To prevent chi from falling through the tabletop and getting lost, you can apply frosted glass film to the table to make it more stable.
By the way: You should not compromise on either the desk or the office chair! Maximum comfort is essential for your well-being at work and thus a prerequisite for concentration and productivity. The office desk and chair should be as flexible as possible and thus adapt to your individual needs. A height-adjustable desk, for example, is the ideal choice because it promotes ergonomic, dynamic sitting.
4 | The right Feng Shui lighting in the study
Ideally, plenty of natural light enters your study to help chi flow. In addition, daylight has a good effect on the eyes and mood and also ensures that we can concentrate more easily and longer. If there is not enough daylight in your study, daylight lamps with at least 5,400 Kelvin are recommended. Those who work many hours before or after dusk are also well served by daylight lamps. These should always be combined with warm white light sources. This creates different light zones in the study, giving it a friendly and balanced appearance. For the additional islands of light, floor lamps, table lamps on shelves or wallwashers and ceiling washlights, for example, are good choices for indirect lighting. For your desk lamp, it's best to choose an adjustable luminaire that you also combine with a warm white light source.
By the way: For offices and workrooms with difficult lighting conditions, it's a good idea to call in a professional lighting designer. Uncover the secrets of a balanced feng shui bedroom in our next post.
5 | Keep your Feng Shui study tidy
Avoid open shelves and rather choose office cabinets and shelves with cabinet doors and drawers. Closed fronts look clearer and the entire room directly much tidier.
In general, it is advisable to avoid small items such as office utensils and cables, as all this only distracts and disturbs concentration.
Your shelf in the study is open? Then choose decorative boxes and baskets in which you can store documents, books and office accessories. This way, the fronts of the shelf are closed, which immediately looks much calmer.
6 | Avoid e-smog
You don't have to be a Feng Shui expert to understand that electrosmog has an exceedingly negative effect on well-being and thus concentration and productivity in the workplace. Cell phone radiation, wi-fi and poorly shielded cables should therefore be avoided in your Feng Shui office. Electrical devices such as printers, scanners and copiers should be located at the greatest possible distance from the desk and should only be switched on when they are actually being used. The electrical radiation otherwise reduces the Chi, which leads to tiredness and feeling exhausted.
7 | Decoration in the Feng Shui study
In any case, you should follow the principle "less is more" in your Feng Shui study and rather use only selected accessories for decoration.
Preferably, choose round decorative pieces and accessories in curved and organic shapes, along which the Chi can flow harmoniously. Decorations with sharp edges and points - like furniture and walls - can have a negative effect on the energy flow in the study.
If you want to decorate your walls with pictures, go for calm motifs in soft colors and avoid small, garish murals.
By the way: According to Feng Shui rules, it is better not to have a calendar or a clock hanging on the wall of your study. This only creates unnecessary hectic and time pressure, because you are constantly reminded of appointments. The calendar and clock are displayed on the computer or laptop anyway.
8| More Feng Shui energy with plants
Indoor plants in the study provide us with fresh energy and help keep the chi in the room. Plants on the windowsill or on the floor in front of the window prevent vital energy from escaping and direct it back into the office.
Choose plants with round and heart-shaped leaves such as alpine rose, money tree, areca, betel palm, rubber tree, ficus and sheath leaf. These varieties are particularly good for the indoor climate, as they oxygenate the e-smog enriched air in the office, which has a positive effect on concentration and productivity. Avoid cacti and yucca palms. Also, take a good look at your plants from time to time and remove dead plant parts and yellow, dried leaves.
By the way: A fresh bouquet of flowers at the workplace also works wonders and has a positive effect on our well-being.
9 | The best colors in the Feng Shui workroom
Choose soft, friendly colors for the office to create a pleasant atmosphere and keep the chi flowing. Light, earthy tones like soft yellow or beige work especially well and create a sense of balance and order. If you want to set off certain wall areas in terms of color, we recommend cool shades of blue and green, which have a calming effect and a positive influence on concentration and creativity.
By the way, ecological wall paints that are free of preservatives, plasticizers and solvents and therefore have a positive effect on the quality of the air in the room are ideal. For example, you can choose mineral paints that are free of additives (that are harmful to health).

Why is the right room layout in Feng Shui so important for an office?
The right room layout according to Feng Shui in an office is of crucial importance. It has a great influence on our well-being, concentration and productivity at work. Especially important since we spend a lot of time in the office. Some reasons why the right room layout is important in Feng Shui:
1. Energy flow and chi: Feng Shui considers chi as life energy that needs to flow freely in the work environment to create harmony and balance. An unfavourable room layout can hinder the natural flow of Chi, which can result in stagnation of energy and discomfort.
2. Concentration and productivity: A well-planned workspace promotes concentration and increases productivity. If your desk is in a place that supports the flow of chi, you will be able to concentrate better on your tasks and work more efficiently.
3. Separate work and rest zones: The right room layout helps to draw clear boundaries between working and relaxing. An office should be separated from the rest of the home to minimise distractions and create a calm atmosphere to work in.
4. Harmony and balance: Feng Shui emphasises the importance of balance and harmony in space. A balanced design of the room provides a pleasant and calm environment in which one feels comfortable and in which one can work creatively.
What are typical mistakes to avoid when setting up a Feng Shui office?
When decorating a Feng Shui office, there are some typical mistakes that should be avoided to ensure that the room is harmonious and energetically balanced. You can find an overview of the different furnishing styles in our furnishing styles overview. Here are some of these mistakes and advice on how to avoid them:
1. Clutter and chaos: a common mistake is to clutter the workspace with clutter. Disorganised documents and superfluous objects can block the flow of chi and disrupt concentration.
2. Lack of separation of work and rest areas: Another mistake is the lack of clear separation between work and rest areas. It is important that your study is not mixed with sleeping or relaxing areas to minimise distractions. Use room dividers or furniture to set clear boundaries. You can learn more about how to furnish your workroom here.
3. Excessive decoration: too much decoration, especially those with sharp edges or bright colours, can disrupt the flow of energy and make the room look cluttered. Reduce the decoration to the essentials and choose round, organic shapes to support the flow of chi.
Our interior designer helps you to better understand the Feng Shui style of furnishing and to find an individual style for your well-being.